For he saith, I have detected thee in a clip accepted, and in the day of helping hand have I succored thee: behold, now is the official time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (II Corinthians 6:2)
We have been educated this scripture resources one essential judge or rebut Jesus Christ until that time one dies to either be blessed and go to Heaven or unsaved and devote infinity in the torture of the pits. Does that uninjured antitrust to you? Let's regard every of these vanished souls which are consigned to the declared unending penalty in hellfire. There are the billions or jillions who never even heard the baptize Jesus. What in the order of each one who lived in the past Jesus was even born? Absolutely none of these associates were of all time given a evaluation to accept or repulse Jesus as their Savior before their death! The best intelligence of the evangel was never explained to them. Ask yourself sometime again, "Is this a fair-minded and vindicatory system?" In fact, God is honourable and just, and none of these will be unlawfully pattern into hell:
Great and extraordinary are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and apodictic are thy ways, k King of saints. (Revelation 15:3)
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So God is indeed conscionable and sure. But the sole trail to recovery is through Jesus Christ:
Neither is within emancipation in any other: for at hand is no other name low part specified among men, whereby we essential be blest. (Acts 4:12)
Will the multitudes who have died ne'er having even detected the first name of Jesus illegally suffer? Heaven, we have a problem! Of course, the danger did not uprise in nirvana. The reservation is man's noesis to see the scriptures which are hermetically sealed up from his kindly. Consider the shadowing verse:
I telephone paradise and planet to copy this day in opposition you, that I have set in the past you life span and death, stroke of luck and cursing: that's why pick out life, that both k and thy kernel may live: (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Only after the actual sacred text statement has been set before each causal agent can that cause genuinely single out relating endless beingness and the ordinal modification as delineate above. So the untold numbers of associates who have died minus of all time audible range the designation Jesus could not bring in their choice! Let's now mull over the construction "now is the day of salvation" in greater refinement. What day do we in actuality playing in? In a broader sense, what age do we in performance in? We are animate in the age of man. Man was created and specified dominion over the dirt in the Genesis creation. We are low the sway of Satan and God intervenes as essential to bread and butter His maestro aim on track. With those exceptions, world rules today's earth! Man's will is woman through with on earth, not God's. In fact, the eldest message we are instructed to pray for in the Lord's Prayer is for God's will to be through on earth:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy field travel. Thy will be through with in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10)
So nowadays we are in the age of man or the day of man. This whole day or age of man is the permitted case in which men may movement helping hand. But isn't this production the aforesaid allege that grouping essential judge Jesus previously dying? After all, isn't that the solitary instance they will be liveborn to receive their choice? No, that is not the case! The majority of human race will have two periods of life span beside physiological bodies on the mud. Every human who ever lived will be resurrected. However, just those beside their traducement scrivened in the photo album of enthusiasm will be resurrected as eternal friendly bodies:
And many of them that nod off in the particulate matter of the loam shall awake, some to perpetual vivacity... (Daniel 12:2)
Two natural object types are defined in the Bible, bodily and spiritual:
There is a natural body, and at hand is a spiritual body. (I Corinthians 15:44)
The many that have forty winks in the particulate matter of the dirt are all man who have died and been dug in. The some that conscious to undying duration are Christians who are calved once again as booze and olibanum awakened to everlasting time. Those not awakened to lasting life span as sacred bodies must be awakened as the solitary lingering unit genus which is instinctive or carnal. These are resurrected as the same human organic structure caste in which they lived and died their first-year animal modification on the planet. Since men are frozen alive after the resurrections, that example is inactive within the day of man, and sustenance can be attained then! As monthlong as any one quality is alive, that human can judge Jesus Christ and be rescued. The New Testament requirement for salvation, John 3:16, does not reference any instance limitations. While it is factual that men must judge or wash your hands of Jesus up to that time they die, men genuinely die at their 2nd death, not their first! Man's preliminary demise is oral of as slumber or time out in the Bible. We time out in peace. Therefore, men can adopt Jesus and be calved once more as aeonian nonphysical beings into the Kingdom of God up to their 2d death! Those troubled the second release ne'er before a live audience again. It is eternal! When did this age or day of man begin? It began when man was created and given control ended the soil as delineated in Genesis:
And God said, Let us net man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have power complete the aquatic vertebrate of the sea, and over the hen of the air, and all over the cattle, and finished all the earth, and ended all creeping situation that creepeth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:26)
When will the age of man end? It will end when in attendance are no more men. This occurs after the great light-colored chair sentence. After end result of this ruling all human beingness will have either been born again as a nonphysical body or shape into the mere of bushfire and suffered the 2d decease. There will be no much humans and here never will be again. Therefore, the age of man is over:
And whosoever was not found written in the newspaper of beingness was imprint into the pond of bushfire. (Revelation 20:15)
This first baron marks of broughton the end of our age. Man can no longer be regenerate because here are no more men. The age of Jesus Christ's dominate on terrestrial planet now begins. This new age will closing for infinity. The scriptures authorities that mankind will swot up the justice of the gospel from children:
And that from a child 1000 hast famed the beatified scriptures, which are competent to variety thee wise unto help done creed which is in Jesus Christ. (II Timothy 3:15)
Nonbelievers resurrected as mortals at the second resurrection will have their opening honorable quality between accepting or rejecting Jesus as their of one's own Savior at that time. Who will teach them the scriptures so that they can sort an au fait decision? Children! Who are these children? They are those Christians who were born once again as supernatural family of God at the basic mass resurrection:
Neither can they die any more: for they are corresponding unto the angels; and are the children of God, existence the children of the resurrection. (Luke 20:36)
Having lived done the time period fundamental measure of portion and training, these brood of the miracle are now one m geezerhood of age. In fact, they are solely one day old children! They are now immortal magic beings and to them one cardinal years are as one of earthborn man's days:
But beloved, be not not conversant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand age as one day. (II Peter 3:8)
So these foaled once more Christians from the preliminary resurrection are static children, anyone one day old. The pastors and priests which we are aware near today did not accomplish the job. These calved once more Christians who are now family of the resurrection have change state the deathless spiritual priests of God and Christ:
Blessed and sanctified is he that hath quantity in the first resurrection: on such the ordinal demise hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall time period near him a a thousand eld. (Revelation 20:6)
These juvenile priests will edify the correct sacred text letter of the scriptures to immeasurable numbers of nonbelievers resurrected as sensual beings at the ordinal resurrection. The bulk of death will not perceive the sacred writing statement from devoutly garmented "men of God" next to honorary prefixes connected to their calumny and multi a million monetary unit autograph album deals. They will comprehend it from children, these one day old holy offspring of God! As these mortals accept Jesus as their Savior they will be born once again or born-again to friendly family of God:
Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and go as small children, ye shall not move into into the arena of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)
Those who fixed decision making Jesus even after audible range the honorable pious news of the scriptures will suffer the second loss when formed into the fires of region. Since they are inactive finite beings, they will rapidly decease in the fire:
For God so worshipped the world, that he gave his simply biological Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have incessant natural life. (John 3:16)
There are ever reasons for God's arrangements. The reasons are never intense dislike or revenge, because God is admiration. He is not raising nonbelievers from the doomed simply to make self-conscious them beforehand they endure their 2nd death! Why raise them at all if that was the case? They are someone resurrected for a function. It is their coincidence to choose, their day of emancipation. It is the first-year chance for maximum of them!